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All this music is free. Click on Download and then left click on the one you want on the new page.    Scroll down and click on Save linked content as...Alternatively you can print them straight off.   The music sounds best with headphones...This is written for a symphony orchestra with the usual line-up, except that the 2nd oboe plays cor anglais (English Horn) and the trombone section is best with 3 tenor trombones and 1 bass trombone, although it can also be played by 3 tenor trombones or 2 tenor and one bass trombone and tuba. It can be played with the usual 2 trumpets or 4 which will give it a bit more power. Instead of a percussion section, the different parts are all played by a drummer (preferably a jazz drummer) using a normal drum kit. It also calls for a jazz pianist as there is a fair bit of improvising to do. This means that the piano soloist should be applauded for creativity rather than for technique. This is in line with the jazz ethos. Much as I can admire the dexterity of classical piano soloists, they are basically robots, highly skilled, yes, but what they do is to play what is written, rather than creating anything original themselves. Before Beethoven, soloists were given the opportunity to show what they could do in improvised cadenzas. This is no longer the case. So instead of showing off how many notes I can write in piano parts and how difficult to play they may be, I have kept things simple and let the soloists do their own thing. This will undoubtedly annoy some classical music people who like to know exactly what is coming next, but it will provide different renditions each time that the piece is played.

I do not yet have a recording with a soloist, (and have doubts whether a symphony orchestra would want to play this music). So here is the concerto without the adlib piano bits. Remember, there are places along the way where the piano would play - check out the score. If interested, any jazz pianist could play along to the orchestral backing track and pause it where there are extended passages for them to solo. When I have a recording with a piano soloist, I will add it.

1st movement

download score    download piano part.

2nd movement

download score    download piano part.

3rd movement

download score    download piano part.

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