About the

About me


My Youtube Channel








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HELLO.  My name is Paul Busby and this website shows you my original music and stories. Let me show you around.

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Please note that as a shortcut, you can click on the words below in heavy black type.   If the whole width of the page is not displayed, go to View/Full screen or press F11

On the left, you'll see various categories where you can find music for small bands (or combos),  big band charts, and arrangements for trombones and rhythm section, as well as collections of tunes,  songs and pieces arranged for solo piano. You'll also see music for string quartets  and full orchestras.

Some of the soundbites have been done on a synthesizer to give you just a rough idea of what the tunes sound like or at a band rehearsal so they are not very polished. The music will obviously sound MUCH better when rehearsed and performed ~ live ~ as I hope you will find out for yourself.

If you would then like to download the music (ie. notation) to any of these tunes, click on the word download to gain access to the pdf files. (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to see them - click on the words in red, if you haven't got it.)

ALL of this music is FREE. I used to think there was no value in it, but I'm informed that many people do enjoy playing the charts which pleases me more than any money I could make from them. If you do like any of the arrangements, a donation to a charity would be appreciated, however small. You will find various charities listed, but you can choose another if you wish.

So why is this website called SCORED CHANGES, you might be wondering... I thought you'd never ask!

It's because I have included charts along with the music which indicate which scales can be played against the different chords. The word SCORED is derived from SCale + chORD, with the spelling amended. See here.

A fuller explanation can be found on the right or if you want to know about it in more detail, click here. You might find it useful to print this file off as you may wish to refer to it later on. (Other topics regarding music theory can be found in the Jazz Tutorials section.)

Underneath the Scored Changes Explanation on the right is the heading INFO where you can find out more information about printing the music and other matters.

Beneath this is a section called The Blurb, which contains information about subjects other than music, such as environmental issues.

Then there is something called Projects in which you can read about different musical projects I'm involved in, where you can find photos, sound clips, videos and diaries about writing arrangements as well as information about the big band I used to run. It was later called the One World Orchestra. I took it over for a couple of months when the MD resigned. That was a mistake. It was then run by members of the band. As far as I know it is now defunct.

Below this is the News page, with news of updates.

And finally, there are some musical links and a blog which I occasionally add to. You can also contact me if you wish to. It would be really nice to hear from you.

Then there's also the Tutorials,    My Youtube Channel,     Tips from Top Players,     Music Campaigns,     Funnies,    Play-alongs,      and last but not least, the Jazz Jukebox which also has links to videos of jazz and other kinds of music.

To make a change from jazz, I've included some of My Books I've written since retiring.

So that's about it. Have fun and I hope you find at least something that interests you.

2023 - Although I am now retired, you will find some new piano pieces added fairly regularly, some of which I have orchestrated. A number of these I have made into videos for my youtube channel. See also videos - click on it.

Click for a full list of where you can download the music

Disclaimer and other Information:
If there is any resemblance to any other tunes it is completely unintentional. Under no circumstances must any of my music be used to promote or condone violence, war, racism or the abuse of human rights. I forbid my music from being played in Russia except by people opposed to the war in Ukraine. I also forbid my music from being played in Israel which is a pariah state, and is committing genocide against the Palestinians, supported by a large majority of the country's population.

Final note: This website is not listed as a secure site (https), so I would like to assure people that I do not hold any records of anyone who has visited the site. Nor do I have or hold any personal infomation about them. On another note, all of my music is free to everyone and is no longer copyrighted, so there is no need to report if any of it is played. I have resigned from PRS for Music so will not receive any royalties, even the pittance which I have had in the past. The PRS is more interested in commercial pop music which is written specifically to make money. The PRS then rewards it for having done so. That is life. As for me, I am now 78. My website will remain open until I die which could be at any time. It will then close down as it will no longer be possible to pay the server for it to continue.

